What is Rookie League?

Rookie League is an NFT (non-fungible token) that lives on the Ethereum network as an ERC-721. Each Rookie League is an NFT in the form of a Rookie scoreboard.

These scorecards come with a series of attributes that highlight the Rookie’s physical and mental abilities. The Rookie’s height and weight also have their own unique degree of rarity, making for a wide range of talents across the Rookie League ecosystem. 

Rookie League NFT’s are much like a deck of playing cards. The deck itself is useful once more games are built that utilize it, drawing in more players. As more players join and begin using Rookie League, more ideas and applications are discovered and new uses begin to spring forth. Rookie League is thus a foundation that builders can create on top of while also serving as a ‘deck of cards’ 

In total there are 10,000 Rookie League NFT’s with no more ever being created. All 10,000 were originally free to mint, and are now available on the OpenSea secondary market.

Rookie’s are made up of various physical and mental ability scores along with unique height and weight rarities. Like every athlete, these Rookie NFT’s are unique and each has their own set of values. The values for each stat are scored from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most talented in that trait and 1 being the least talented in that trait.

The breakdown of a Rookie League NFT physical and mental stats looks like this:

Physical traits:





Mental traits:





Rookies also have height and weight traits. some being much more rare than others. The breakdown of a Rookie League NFT height and weight stats looks like this:



Average – 3641 Rookies share this trait

Small – 2319 Rookies share this trait

Tall – 2194 Rookies share this trait

Giant – 559 Rookies share this trait

Tiny – 520 Rookies share this trait


Average – 3680 Rookies share this trait

Heavy – 2243 Rookies share this trait

Light – 2193 Rookies share this trait

Whale – 554 Rookies share this trait

Feather – 552 Rookies share this trait

rookie league nft card
rookie league nft card

Each Rookie also comes with their own minting number in addition to their baseline stats. Which Rookie you want to use will very much depend on what the situation calls for. If you are drafting for a fantasy football league, you may want to have a Rookie that has good weight and strength behind them. If you need to run a race you may wish to go for Rookie that is lighter on the feet and scores higher in stamina, speed and focus.

rookie league nft card
rookie league nft card

Given that there are virtually limitless uses for Rookie League NFT’s, there will be occasions for all 10,000 Rookies in Rookie League to shine and show what they can do.